Wednesday 25 July 2007


So what did all the agents of deception that have been outed here have in common?

Well firstly they all supported Wood's UNPROVEN DEW hypothesis.
What would be the point in that?
Maybe to cover up the destruction of building by other methods?
Given the incredible things associated with those destructions it seems that the cover-up would be to disguise the fact that NUCLEAR WEAPONS WERE IN FACT USED IN NEW YORK.

Something else was the discussion of apparent black-ops vehicles.
These are pointed to in videos that we know are not untouched originals.
The vehicles are alleged to prove the involvement of the American Black military.
If that was a lie, what would be it's purpose?
Well, it covers-up the possibility of the september 11 attacks being perpetrated by an outside force.

Oh, but we must remember that Grable was happy to consider 911 to be an attack from Russia using beam weapons.
Well why not consider that it could have been an attack from an outside force using NUCLEAR WEAPONS?

The idea of black-ops vehicles firing a missile also cover-up the possibility of a roof-launched missile having being used.


Tuesday 17 July 2007

Coffinman bows out of 911researchers

Coffinman bows out of 911researchers

Coffinman's picture

Do you know what?

It seems to me that I am talking to myself here.
There are trolls that want to cover up the political exposures happening within our community, and people who present as good researchers yet stand back and say nothing.
The exposed liar, attempted character assassin and tacit bodyguard of Loose Change and 911mysteries, Haupt is back posting as if nothing has happened, and nobody has any problems with that.
I could go on, but I don't think that it would be worth the wear on my keyboard to continue.

I am going to end with a quote from Holmgren:

[CM stood up for basic principles of truth, integrity and logic and “letting the chips fall where they may”]

And another:

[Griffinization of no planes is complete. You all think that victory is within your grasp. Well in a way it is. Very soon, Fetzer will be standing up on a podium with the webhag behind him, aanouncing that if you throw a grand piano at a hologram of a pod, it proves that we have dozens of highly qualified experts (and no bus drivers) to prove that planes both did and did not hit the WTC, thanks to the ground breaking physics research of Moregames Reynolds and the magnificent "911 mysteries video".]

At least Gerard can get to see one of his hopes fulfilled:

[I just hope that CM has enough strength and clarity of vision to walk away on his own terms before you cunts crucify him completely.]

None of you could ever crucify me, because I fight with the truth, and there is no defence against the truth.
And I am walking away on my own terms.




Coffinman's picture
Submitted by Coffinman on Tue, 2007-07-17 02:42.

This was a post that I made early on against Grable's bodyguarding of Wood.
Grable had already put forward that Wood was silent because she did not want to go against Leaphardt's advice.
She had said that this was because women were like that when they had been protected by a man.
It was in response to this post that she made her now famous sexist comment:
[When a man protects a woman it just about guarantees she will not speak out against him. The fear of losing that protection is too great.
I'm a case in point.

I disagree with Holmgren on a number of issues, but I kept quiet out of respect and subservience, cos he bodyguarded me.

I made this post on 13/6/07:

There are different types of bodyguarding.
1. When you assist somebody who is engaged in debate.
2. When you support their credibility in advance of any attack being made.
3. When you jump into a fight that they are avoiding, and fight on their behalf. Version 3 allows the person who is subject to the attack to be unaccountable. Nobody should be unaccountable. Stalin was unaccountable. If the group wishes to have unaccountability for certain members I want no part of it.
Any person considering version 3 bodyguarding should feel beforehand that they know exactly why the person they are fighting for has not spoken up, and should be able to relate that circumstance to us all. Otherwise they are acting according to something they presume. It's okay to presume things, but just don't fight with them. "Women's problems" don't cut it.
Version 3 bodyguarding is what the followers of all the other 911 gurus practice. You can see it on YouTube threads and etc.. At least on YT threads they can say "Well ..... isn't here to speak for themself".
Suddenly I see this question of version 3 bodyguarding as being the most important of all. As long as it remains acceptable practice here then any enemy can always be protected by loyal colleagues. This is the way the elite all over the world operate.


Now think about that, and then read this:
And then think about what Nico has done.
They are a bunch of traitors.
And they are supported by the idiots:
C.B. Brooklyn
Total Idiot (I can't call him anything else)
and a few others that may not deserve to be singled out right now.
This isn't about being nice, you know.
There was nothing nice in NY on 911.
There is nothing nice in Iraq now.
And we are dealing with the same people.
So if you want a "nice" search for truth and justice, forget it.
These people do their utmost to cause maximum damage when they loose their control.
You have seen it.
They are nasty pasties.
Just like Rumplestiltskin was.

Webfairy, Nico and the smokescreen and smear campaign.

Webfairy, Nico and the smokescreen and smear campaign.

Coffinman's picture
Submitted by Coffinman on Mon, 2007-07-16 05:33.

I have proven that Nico told a lie in order to discredit me and then refused to acknowledge the lie when it was proven.
He repeated to attribute to me a statement that was made by Webfairy even after I had proved that she had said it, and when.
He tried to destroy my reputation.
Once I had done this he deleted my account, and then tried to delete all of my work here.
Fortunately Rick had removed his moderator status by that time.
Now we need to move forward, out of the rut (troll fruit-loop) created by Nico.

Why on Earth would Nico feel the need to tell such a vicious lie and attempt to destroy my credibility?

I will examine the events which provoked Nico Haupt and Rosalee Grable to personally smear me with the lies I have documented in the Post titled “Nico Haupt”:

Holmgren exposed the double thinking and duplicity of Reynolds in his pretence to be a no planer.
Reynolds released an article which contained a multitude of Lies about Holmgren, and a fatally flawed crash-physics analysis that focused on the mass of the building.
In the article he claimed that he had been a no-planer, and offered reasons for why he had lied for so long.
I pointed out that his lies had allowed the circulation of all kinds of silly ideas about what had hit the towers, and created a total confusion for people who were trying to see what we had found out.

Holmgren had also earlier pointed out that Fetzer had openly challenged Newton’s 3rd law.
Holmgren asked Wood to comment on Newton’s 3rd law and so did I, explaining the value of her potential contribution on the matter.
First she refused to comment on the issue, and when she was pressed for an answer we got her lawyer telling us that she didn’t have to answer any questions and that if she did her answers would be used to drive a wedge between her and Fetzer.

Where irreconcilable differences exist, then wedges must be driven.

Political unity was more important to her than correct science.
Reynolds didn’t correct Fetzer on his challenge to Newton either, despite his new-found openness about “No-planes”.
So Fetzer’s direct challenge to Newton’s third law was never corrected by Reynolds – who - claims to speak for crash physics - or by Wood who claims to be a mechanical scientist dedicated to truth about 911.
And Fetzer has never retracted his challenge to Newton.
And remember that these are the people promoting no-planes evidence in the mainstream media (or not, in the case of Wood).

Fetzer’s program regularly features Wood and Reynolds.
Wood’s site links to Fetzer.
Therefore they endorse Fetzer as a fellow voice of truth and they refuse to correct his lie about the variability of Newton’s 3rd law on the grounds of “Not wanting to drive a wedge”.

Do we?

Fetzer continues to promote Loose Change and the diabolical 911mysteries prominently on the front page of the “scholars” website.
The fact that so much of Wood and Reynolds’ work goes through Fetzer means that they tacitly support his promotion of Loose Change and 911mysteries, his variable 3rd law and all the other crap he has spouted.

So do Reynolds and Wood support Loose Change?
What about 911mysteries?
Have they ever spoken about the problems with the above when they have appeared on Fetzer’s show?
If they link to his stuff, and promote him as a “fellow voice for truth” whilst saying nothing about the alarming issues regarding his support of disinformation then doesn’t that indicate a tacit approval of that disinformation?

I have tried to address the issue of the planes with Fetzer.
He is fully exposed for what he is.
So why is it that he appears to be immune from the responsibility of his lies, which have been exposed?
Why do Wood and Reynolds go to Fetzer when they want publicity?
Remember I pointed out that Dr Wood has a quote on the front page of her website:
“There comes a time when silence is betrayal”.
Why is she silent on the most important issues?
Why does Reynolds not point out the errors of Fetzer’s absurd variable 3rd law of motion, after all, he says he fancies himself as a champion of crash physics!
Has there been ANY POINT where either Wood or Reynolds has pulled Fetzer about any of his lies or frauds?

I would like to ask Dr Wood when is the time that silence becomes betrayal?
Maybe when you keep your mouth shut about impossible plane crashes?
Or the lies and disinformation of Loose Change?
Or the total misrepresentation of 911mysteries?

So anyway………
Webfairy cheered Reynolds’ article with it’s fatally-flawed “mass hypothesis” (Which I had pointed out straightaway).
Reynolds had asked me “What should I say to the media” and said he wanted to go on tv to promote “no-planes”.
Holmgren suggested that as he was out of practice, Reynolds should practice his no-plane debating skills first.
He said that a debate with either Wood or Fetzer would be suitable.
As Holmgren said:
“to test whether political loyalties are still more important that than truth.”

The idea seemed good to me and I showed my enthusiasm.
I could already see that some “wedges” were in order.
We might at last get to see “the scholars” “letting the chips fall where they may”.
What could possibly be wrong with a scholarly debate on this most important issue?
Well Webfairy saw a problem.
A “pitchfork parade” against Wood was what she called it.
She called it “shitty”.

Then I was a Jackboot no-planer, Napoleon, fascist etc..
Holmgren left in a rage then, furious at Webfairy’s betrayal I suppose.
And in the argument over Wood’s silence Webfairy introduced an analysis which I disagreed with strongly and then she immediately tried to attribute the sexism to me in order to smear me and therefore discredit me.
It seems that there is something about Wood, Reynolds and Fetzer that she wishes to keep hidden.

I then posted the “story so far” here so that this could take place in view of everybody.
It was too important to continue on a small list controlled by them.

Webfairy continued to hide the real content of what had happened by yelling things like:
Jackboot no-planer.
Thought police.
And etc.

Nico was quick to join her in an attempt to ruin my reputation, but unfortunately for them I was able to show that they had knowingly lied about what had taken place in an attempt to discredit me.
In spite of his proclaimed professed mistrust of Reynolds, Wood and Fetzer, Nico resorted to lying in order to smear me personally in order to prevent any discussion of what this was really all about.

Now that we’ve dealt with the “sexism” lie, we can get look at what this was really all about

Why would Haupt and Grable support and Wood with such extreme passion?
Why would they want to destroy my reputation when I was simply trying to find the truth?

The proposal to test Reynolds in a debate with Wood was labeled as “a pitchfork parade against Wood”.
Why would that be?
You must remember that it was not Dr Wood’s stance on the planes that was the issue, the issue was to test Reynolds’ debating skills.

Obviously Wood, Fetzer and Reynolds are not independent of each other, they have an alliance that is more important to them than truth or correct science.

Webfairy says that Wood is independent from Fetzer, yet when Wood was asked to make a comment that might embarrass Fetzer, and the issue was continued by suggesting that Morgan practice debating THAT issue with Wood, Webfairy labeled it as a “Pitchfork parade against Dr Wood”.

Nico made a lot of noise and trouble to create a smokescreen, and exposed himself as a saboteur.
Now that he can no longer shield Webfairy she should return to this forum and account for why she is protecting Woods, Reynolds and Fetzer.

Does that surprise anyone?
Let’s look at that again…..

She is protecting Woods, Reynolds and Fetzer.
(And she tried to destroy me in the process.
And Holmgren left.
I can’t speak for him but I blame her for it.)

This means that she is now tacitly supporting Loose Change and 911mysteries.
Not by declaration, but by protecting Wood and Reynolds, who both protect Fetzer.
So does Nico, by launching a personal smear campaign against anyone who tries to expose this treachery and look deeper into it.

When we try to make Fetzer accountable for his promotion of Loose Change and 911 mysteries, he hides behind Wood and Reynolds and his support for unconventional demolition.
They will not criticize him.
When we try to make Reynolds or Wood accountable, WF and Nico start a campaign to smear and destroy, based on lies.

What is happening?

Haupt guilty of sabotage at 911researchers

Haupt guilty of sabotage at 911researchers

Coffinman's picture
Submitted by Coffinman on Sun, 2007-07-15 23:15.

Haupt deleted my account after being proved to be a liar who was trying to discredit me whilst I was in the process of exposing treachery within our community.
Rick has undone the damage and removed his moderator status.
Haupt is trying his best to get himself banned so that he is unable to answer here for himself.
We do not want to do that!
The research and outing of traitors continues!
This is the email I sent him:


You’re scared aren’t you?

Why else would you delete my account?

And you know you got the fuck kicked out of you in the argument.

That’s why you left the bold code active in your last message to hide my highlights.

You fight your dirty fight, and I’ll fight my serious one.

We’ll see what happens.]

Nico Haupt

Nico Haupt

Coffinman's picture
Submitted by Coffinman on Sat, 2007-07-14 17:02.

“Nico has recently engaged in directing a mass of garbled vitriol at me.
His starting point was that I was SEXIST.
In fact he reckoned that this alleged sexism signified that I was a victim of some Griffin eco-feminism psy-op.
In order to establish that he attributed to me the following quote “…When a man protects a woman it just about guarantees
she will not speak out against him” describing it as a “SEXIST SLUR”.

This is how he wrote it:
[Coffin writes:
"...When a man protects a woman it just about guarantees
she will not speak out against him..."

And this is the url of the comment:

The problem is that the above quote is from WF- not from me - and I was actually disagreeing with it.
I have pointed this out until everyone is bored with hearing it, and Rick has verified it.
It was also verified by Holmgren in his last contribution.

Will Nico now retract the false attribution to me, and all of the allegations against me that were based on this false attribution?

Will he now direct his rage at the person who actually wrote the above quote, Webfairy?.

All other issues are irrelevant to this thread and would obviously be spam.

I repeat the important part of this post once more so that it will be clear to even those with the poorest reading skills:

Will Nico now retract the false attribution to me, and all of the allegations against me that were based on this false attribution?

Will he now direct his rage at the person who actually wrote the above quote, Webfairy?.
(edited to unbold only)

Now added to remain at top:

Nico the troll
Submitted by Coffinman on Sun, 2007-07-15 15:32.

Nico has shown that he will not answer the two questions posed to him.
It is now an established fact that he lied about what I had said.
He has turned this thread into a trolls fruit loop.
I will look at the reasons why he felt it necessary to lie and attempt to smear me in another post.

I have proven:

1. Webfairy made the sexist statement, which I opposed viciously.

2. Haupt knowingly attempts (still) to discredit me by falsely attributing Webfairy's outlook to me.

3. Haupt will not say he disagrees with Webfairy's sexist outlook.

I consider this matter closed now and it is time to move on.


Michael Zebuhr

[Following the murder of my student, Michael Zebuhr, a truly extraordinary human being, I received an email stating, "we've done it before and we will do it again if need be.") Therefore, expect this website to be added to and updated over the next several days. Michael told me, "Whatever happens, don't ever stop pursuing this. It's too important." Michael, this is for you.]

For Michael.


Michael would want us all to believe that he had been murdered, so then he would want us to get to the bottom of this crime if at all possible.
So we should look into the issue.
For Michael, you see.
Well he isn't in the SSDI for a start.

Miranda Priestley has done some research into the issue.

At first there was practically no information to be found about Michael, but as Miranda reported that fact things started to appear.....

Monday 9 July 2007

The Horrible Truth About 911Truth

The Horrible Truth About 911Truth

rick's picture
Submitted by rick Siegel on Sun, 2007-07-01 01:51.

I had previously spoken out exposing the liars and frauds that abound within the 911truth movement(1) Since doing that it is not strange to find I have won no friends within. When you expose people as liars and frauds they must deny that identification or the game is up – and that will not happen until the fires are at their gate.

First I ask you to ponder the situation of any ruler or ruling class. Use your history books for examples and see if you can find any such class that allowed dissent to go without infiltration, subversion and control The very idea a leader would ignore this makes him an inept leader and even if that were true, those who control will not allow that kind of thing to happen. Lulling the subjects into submissive observance only needs a shred of authority granted from generations of oft-unquestioned loyalty, obedience and even a reverence of past subjugations and traditional caste. An actual romantic attachment if you would to acceptance of frauds. Trained to feel powerless to turn the tide or change the trend.

With that understanding you must enter the realm of governance (in its full sense) vs. conspiracy in the murders and destruction of the three towers in NYC on September 11, 2001. A full accountability of factions with an interest in these events will never be had but the amount of government, financial and royal prerogatives that are in danger of exposure would lead you to an understanding of the vast infiltration that must result. The government itself has put 100 million a year since 2001 into this effort.

A look at the leadership in any of these fractured 911 groups will find it is crowded with x-agents, conmen, religious cult leaders, and people whose lives and income are deeply entrenched in government, cult, corporate and conspiracy group aspirations. This should give you great pause before you hitch your wagon to these stars from the left, right or center.

Please read the rest of this article at my site and

Shout it out!

Digg Story!

Will the real Dr Wood please stand up?

Dr Wood you remained silent during a fight about you except for a comment after the brawl that you made about you celebrating Capurnicus' birthday each year.
In reply I put a number of serious points to you and you did not respond.
My post to you is as relevant now as it was when I made it.
I repeat it here for you now so that you can consider an answer on this public forum:

[Now doesn't that directly address the simple issue we have been trying to clear up?
An issue that was generated whilst Morgan was inferring some variability of physical laws.
Morgan has since changed his position.
I see that there was an important ideological battle within the group that was calling for your input and you stood by and watched the group split.
This comment you just made is merely humour.
After all that has gone on, I suggest that this is the conduct of a clown.
A 911 Clown.
Can you see why I see it that way?
You have done nothing to help us develop any understanding here.
But as mentioned already, your website is good.
I don't doubt your intent to prove the use of beam weapons.
I doubt your identity with the aims of our group.
I do not see you doing anything to serve the interests of this group.
And you have watched the debate descend into chaos.
That's my problem with you.
But it all presented over a tiny philosophical point of universality.
Such is life.].

I allege that your silence was necessary to protect Morgan.
Morgan re-manoevered during the scuffle to avoid the charge of claiming variable physics, he took the less-damaging "Lying for the truth" stance, but I was already cooking your goose by that time.
Holmgren has gone.
Webfairy and I have split irreconcilably.
911insidejobbers has been destroyed from what it was.
I no longer trust Nico.
And etc..
You preferred to watch this happen than to merely state what you are aware of in your capacity as a mechanical scientist.
So your silence had a MASSIVE price.
And you weren't even being asked for a personal opinion.
So what have you got by way of justification, for allowing that to happen to arguably the most important research group allegedly working for the same aims as you?
I say that you have no way of justifying your conduct.
Your conduct certainly didn't serve the interests of establishing the truth about 911 did it?
I say that you will not answer because you know that your arguments will be exposed as baseless.
The simple fact is, Dr Wood, that:

911 truth- supporting lies and disinformation

"Excellent. The best of the 9/11 movies." --David Ray Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor

"WOW! is my reaction to this movie. Great insight into demolitions and what really happened on 9/11/2001." --Steven E. Jones, physics professor, Brigham Young University

The above two quoted individuals are the most prominent people in the visible 911 conspiracy research field.
Both of them are subject to heavy criticism with regard to lies, false logic and wrongful critical of genuine research.
But the above quotes are all we need to look at.
The 911mysteries film is a slick psy-op that is laced with lies, distortions and disinformation.
From it's very beginning it purports that planes had actually crashed into the WTC towers.
But that has been disproven within the genuine 911 research community.
Oh yes, there is a genuine community of 911 researchers.
Individual researchers that ascribe to no leader and discuss their collective data.
It can be found here:
The so-called leaders of the "truth movement" have directed the energy of much of the search for the truth of 911 into "safe" channels that cannot be used to bring the guilty to justice.
You can find out about some of their deceit here:
But these two quotes will be enough.
Rick Siegel, who filmed the events of 911 from Hoboken pier and produced 911 eyewitness with his evidence noticed that some of his footage had been used in 911mysteries and that the soundtrack had been edited so that the film presented a false picture of what happened.
Rick documented this treachery here:
And further developments here:
911mysteries was produced with the co-operation of Jim Fetzer, who still endorses the work, and therefore it's lies and distortions.
What I had to say to Jim about the film and his stance can be read here:
What the traitors posing as research "leaders" mostly have in common is that they endorse the idea of planes hitting buildings on 911 and they ignore the evidence that fake video was presented by the media as live news.
If you need to look at the issue of the planes yourself you can start here:
Rick has written openly to Jones and Griffin detailing the lies and distortions contained in 911mysteries.
They have neither retracted their endorsements or explained them.
They are endorsing lies and deceit and they cannot say that they don't know.
So is Fetzer.
The "truth" organisations that have "great leaders" are nothing more than cults.
The people's investigation does not have a leader.
The people's investigation into 911 can be found here:

Friday 15 June 2007

Andrew Card - CMSI - FEMA

Sent to me:

Recent postings jogged a memory of info I attained while tracing Richard Armitage's connections to the 2000 Florida vote theft. I was surprised at the time to find Andrew Card, Chief-of Staff to the POTUS, as coming from a back-ground as VP of an affiliated company.

If FEMA was ready to cover the bases in New York on 9-11-2001, they were trained and screened before hand.

Andrew Card was in charge of FEMA response to hurricane Andrew that devastated Florida for Bush '41.

He could well be the weak link to the planning & participation silence.

Andy's Reverend wife may be the key to un-locking this plot to betray American citizen's liberty to a global dictatorship.
Card - CMIS corp.

"... Mr. Card is presently serving as vice president of CMIS Corp., a computer software engineering firm located in Vienna, Va. ..."

Raju Tamrakar was looking for a job in 2000,

This man's resume states:
Designed an Automated Electronic Data Interface module
> to exchange data
> between FEMA's NEMIS-Human Services module and Small
> Business
> Administration (SBA)'s Legacy system using FEMA's
> Internet FTP site. The effort
> included, coordination of technical and program people
> from both systems, JAD
> sessions, data modeling, and development of System
> Requirements Specification
> document.
Computer Programmer/Analyst
> CMIS Corporation - Federal Emergency Management Agency
> (FEMA)
> Vienna, VA.
> January 1991 - January 1994.
Repaired and maintained Radio Navigation Equipment
> including Very High
> Frequency (VHF), High Frequency (HF), Single Side Band
> (SSB), Non-Directional
> Beacon (NDB) transmitters and receivers, Doppler VOR
> and Distance Measuring
> Equipment (DME) used by all areas of Airport Traffic
> Control personnel.
He can be sourced at;


And with zero proof of relationship, I do not hesitate to offer another connection I'm sure exists.

a. bradford card

+ U.S. Federal Affairs
+ U.S. State & Local Affairs
+ Government Markets

+ Health Care
+ Homeland Security
+ Appropriations
+ Education

Serving as Managing Principal, Brad Card has extensive knowledge of public policy and public relations. He has been politically active his entire life, having assisted President George H.W. Bush’s election efforts in 1979 and continuing his activism through the 2000 recount and election of President George W. Bush.

Brad has also provided consultation to numerous elected officials including Governors and Members of Congress. Mr. Card served with the New Hampshire State Police as a state prosecutor, uniform trooper and as an undercover narcotics detective.

Upon coming to Washington D.C., Mr. Card served in the Executive Office of the President of the United States, Office of National Drug Control Policy and then he moved on to be the Government Relations Manager for 3M Company’s Traffic Controls Material Division in the Northeast. Mr. Card then served as Chief of Staff to Congressman John E. Sweeney (R-NY), where he oversaw all political, policy and appropriations issues. Furthermore, he directed the Congressman’s efforts on the House Steering Committee, as well as his efforts as a member of the National Republican Congressional Committee’s Executive Committee.

A graduate of Saint Anselm College, Mr. Card is married with two children and resides in McLean, VA.

Fake Truth Movement Sites censor banned TV Fakery Evidence

Homeland Security to approve All employment!
Submitted by Natasha Sat, 2007-05-26

US citizens who apply for a job, will need prior approval from Department of
Homeland Security, under the terms immigration bill passed by the Senate
this week.

American Civil Liberties Union pointed out, that the DHS's Employment
Eligibility Verification System (EEVS) is error plagued, and if the
department makes a mistake in determining work eligibility, there will be
virtually no way to challenge the error or recover lost wages due to the
bill's prohibitions on judicial review.

Even current employees will need to obtain eligibility approval, from the
DHS, within 60 days of the Immigration Reform Act of 2006 becoming law.

"EEVS would be a financial and bureaucratic nightmare for both businesses
and workers," said Timothy Sparapani, ACLU Legislative Counsel.
"Under this already flawed program no one would be able to work
in the U.S. without DHS approval - creating a 'No Work List' similar to the
government's 'No Fly List.'
We need immigration reform, but not at
this cost."

The act allocates US$400 million for the implementation of the EEVS, but the
Congressional Budgeting Office estimates the system to cost in excess of a
billion dollars.

For the rest go here. No jobs for
US citizens without Homeland Security approval | Press Esc

Apparently even the ACLU gets it right sometimes.

It has been obvious, all along, that the new Immigration Bill is not about
controlling immigration. What is not so obvious, is that really, it is has
been about controlling us all along.

And you thought no fly lists were bad!

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Joined: 21 May 2007
Posts: 17

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2007 1:55 pm Post subject: Reply with quote


As a natural born US citizen, ..... --> YOU <--- will have no way to recover lost wages, if a mistake is made by the new DHS Employment Eligibility Verification System, ......... that could ban YOU from working.

It's like the 'no fly list', which thousands of US citizens have been wrongly placed on [for protesting etc.], except it is a NO WORK LIST, ....... and you wont be able to either keep your present job or get a new one.

The new immigration bill, has no provision for judicial review, of such EEVS 'Homeland Security no work list' "mistakes".

But "mistakes" like that wont happen, ....... right?

This new immigration law has big sharp teeth.

They are meant to bite us not illegal immigrants however.

Illegal immigrants will just continue to work under the table for less than minimum wage.

The poor immigrants are just being used by the NWO, to clamp down on all the rest of us, in addition to destabilizing our society.
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PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2007 11:04 pm Post subject: Reply with quote

I see that Alex Jones has picked up this story now. If I had that website I would have made that THE lead story.

I guess, the big pneumonia scare and the new fake Al-Qaeda video, is just more important though.

Why clue the American people, about things they really need to know right NOW, when you can reinforce DOD MEDIA MILDEC PSYOPS and generate more senseless fear.

[counting down the time till my banning]

Don't forget this.

The Fourth Reich : The New World Order.
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Posts: 17

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 5:00 am Post subject: Reply with quote

Cyborg moths and stuff? Why so many posts all of a sudden?

It really seems that all the 911 sites, including Alex 'INFOWARS' Jones, really DON'T want this story to get legs.

Well hmmmmmmmm ........

Now don't you be concerned about the new Homeland Security NO WORK LISTS, .... but those cyborg moths, ... well holy shit!
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Location: Manchester, England

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 6:22 pm Post subject: So many posts? Reply with quote

When I can edit the website again the NO WORK LISTS will go on.
Until then this is where I am posting all new topics I come across.
The posting of one topic does not detract from the importance of another.
Also you have the freedom here to present topics that I have not.
I an glad that you posted the information, I just wish that more people would start to use this forum.
I have not promoted it though.
But cyborg moths are a part of their sick plans.
Some people would refuse to believe it, so the info is here.
I have posted your topic to 911researchers, the MAJOR 911 research site that has not yet been overtook by spooks:
I credited the post to you.
Sign up and start speaking to the people you want to reach.
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Joined: 21 May 2007
Posts: 17

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 11:42 pm Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you Coffinman.

I agree that the cyborg insect thing is real, and yes it really is something to take into consideration. I just think that we have a precious, and oh so fleeting, chance of delaying the inevitable implementation of some extremely dangerous new laws. We can't stop them from developing insidious new tech. However it is very helpful, to have some idea of what that tech is, and I honestly do value your intel on it.

Sorry to be a pain Coffinman. I am just so upset to see people being mislead by the phonies.

I am so glad you are here.
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Joined: 21 May 2007
Posts: 17

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 8:13 pm Post subject: Reply with quote

CNET : Work bill would create new ID database

The U.S. Congress is poised to create a set of massive new government databases that all employers must use to investigate the immigration status of current and future employees or face stiff penalties.

The so-called Employment Eligibility Verification System would be established as part of a bill that senators began debating on Monday, a procedure that is likely to continue through June and would represent the most extensive rewrite of immigration and visa laws in a generation. Because anyone who fails a database check would be out of a job, the proposed database already has drawn comparisons with the "no-fly list" and is being criticized by civil libertarians and business groups.

All employers--at least 7 million, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce--would be required to verify identity documents provided by both existing employees and potential hires, the legislation says. The data, including Social Security numbers, would be provided to Homeland Security, on penalty of perjury, and the government databases would provide a work authorization confirmation within three business days.

There is no privacy requirement that the federal government delete the information after work authorization is given or denied. Employers would be required to keep all the documentation in paper or electronic form for seven years "and make it available for inspection by officers of the Department of Homeland Security" and the Department of Labor. It would also open up the IRS' databases of confidential taxpayer information to Homeland Security and its contractors.

Even parents who hire nannies might be covered. The language in the bill, called the Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act (PDF), defines an employer as "any person or entity hiring, recruiting, or referring an individual for employment in the United States" and does not appear to explicitly exempt individuals or small businesses. (Its Senate sponsors did not immediately respond on Monday to queries on this point.)

"All the problems that are attendant to the no-fly list are going to be a problem for a nationwide employment eligibility verification system." --Timothy Sparapani, senior legislative counsel, ACLU

For the rest go here.

Sunday 15 April 2007

Building WTC to detonate it

CONNECTING THE DOTS: Rockefeller Trilateral Terrorism of 1976, building WTC to detonate it

author: connecting some dots

Previously noted was formal court RICO suit of 2004 by Pentagon brass McNiven against Bush Senior, CIA head, & his 1976 state terror plan to hit WTCs --- Update: WTCs designed as bolted steel instead of welded steel because they were wanting to demolish them by explosives even as they were being built; they were pre-designed by traitors in USA government and financial circles to effect and suffer easy demolition collapse; this was expected to occur as early as 1976, self-inventing a justification for a U.S. neofascist police state. As they were built, WTCs designed to be the ultimate Hollywood set in a pre-planned live action state terror/detonation operation. This is a timeline, approx. 1970-2001.

Paul: "Well, I knew exactly why [the trade towers came down]... people talked about Building 7 coming down at the same time, I knew why. Because, when I was there, there were these engineers from Saudi Arabia, actually part of the Bin Laden construction company, because Yamasaki [WTC main architect] worked with them and built them up...and they started in Arabia and worked for Yamasaki, and was doing all kinds of things for them, airports, schools, doing very large projects...and he just brought them over. And I saw these guys...these swarthy looking guys wandering around, and some of them were asking me "where would you put demolition devices?" "Well, I'm not really an engineer, but I'm curious to know [laughing] why, why would you put things in to demolish it, when it's not even built?" Then he replied "Well, that's the way things are going now." Here's why.

David and Nelson Rockefeller, #1 and #2; Towers even called 'David and Nelson'
David and Nelson Rockefeller, #1 and #2; Towers even called 'David and Nelson'
Lights, Camera, Action! Building stage of McNiven preplanned terrorstrike of '76
Lights, Camera, Action! Building stage of McNiven preplanned terrorstrike of '76
David Rockefeller's Trilateral 'American branch' prominent in 9-11 perps list
David Rockefeller's Trilateral 'American branch' prominent in 9-11 perps list

ten dots to connect:


1 Bin Laden Construction Company working for Minoru Yamasaki on the WTCs, asking around "where would you put the demolition charges"--back during the building construction (1966-1973)?

2 RICO suit in federal court: U.S. Army devised a plan commissioned by Congress to bring down the WTC [in 1976 by terrorism]...McNiven, who first went public in an affidavit included in a 9/11-related federal conspiracy (RICO) lawsuit filed against Bush and others in 2004, claims his unit was ordered to create the "perfect terrorist plan" [in 1976] using commercial airliners as weapons and the Twin Towers as their target.....publicized version of the study, commissioned by Congress, was to identify security lapses and submit corrective measures to lawmakers. However, McNiven claims the real purpose of the study was to brainstorm how to pull off the perfect terrorist attack using the exact same 9/11 scenario. [And then utilize them as the mechanism for killing thousands of Americans by detonating the towers after their U.S. Army planned planes crashed into them.] The study [of 1976], commissioned to C-Battery 2/81st Field Artillery, U.S. Army, stationed in Strassburg, Germany in 1976, specifically devised the scenario of the Twin Towers being leveled by Middle Eastern terrorists using commercial airliners and even plastic box cutters to bypass security. To silence critics, McNiven has successfully passed a credible lie detector test regarding his participation in the study as well as other specific orders given to him by his superiors in case of a real attack on the Twin Towers. The head of the 1976 mock terrorist plan was Lt. Michael Teague of Long Island, who McNiven says was given specific orders by higher-ups in the military to use the Twin Towers as the terrorist target. McNiven said he has been unable to contact Lt. Teague, but was interested in his opinion now that "the 9/11 attacks happened the way we planned them in 1976."

3 David and Nelson Rockefeller involvement preparatory to construction and in the first few years after construction.

4 David Rockefeller "builds his own Bilderberg," called the Trilaterals in July 1973 starting only two months after WTCs completed in April 1973 (which he and his brother Nelson organized the construction and financing for in New York City). American perps involved in the state terrorism side of the WTCs demolition are predominately David Rockefeller Trilaterials.

5 WTC post construction difficulties: terror plan failed to come off right in 1976; regrouping, organizing the plan and personnel for state terror; meanwhile the WTCs are beginning to experience galvanic corrosion since they were not built to remain up for very long...only to be destroyed in state terror relatively quickly.

6 the police state plan postponed: explains how they thought they could seriously rewrite the U.S. Constitution in 1976 and remove the Bill of Rights, to set up totally appointed frameworks of legislature and removal of trial by jury. Kid you not. This was connected to Rockfellers as well

7 explains the strange history of 'mini-state terrorisms over the years in the United States, linked to a rogue traitorous (in)security team: With the WTC "stage set" increasingly found to be unstable though without personnel in place to conduct the state terrorism cover up, other 'smaller state terrorisms' are invented, or are involved in attempting to set up their perps in the proper cover up places beforehand

8 explains how directly after this Bush/Clinton 1993 attempt that failed to take down the WTCs and lauch the US police state, the Bush family get down to (dirty treasonous) business buys up the WTC security contracts to get it right "next time".

9 explains how in early 2001, the whole 1976 team were put into power once more through Bush family appointments: Baby Bush appoints his father's 1976 friends to power once more: Cheney (Bush Senior's Secretary of State for the Gulf War I, Halluburton connections, and Cheney was Ford's 1976 Chief of Staff), Rumsfeld (appointed Secretary of State in 2001, was appointed Secretary of State in 1976 for appointed Ford as well...), and appointing George W. Bush (a proxy for his father coming back into power from his "interrupted" 1976 CIA Directorship), and the appointing of another GHW Bush right hand man, Meuller, as FBI director. Then they were set to unleash their hit on the United States. Which they did. Which they still are.

10 explains the exact 9-11 prediction of another Rockefeller: Nicholas Rockefeller where he predicted eleven months in advance a massive US terror strike, and he predicted THE EXACT "response" that occurred in advance as well.



"The WTC were quite remarkable structures. The strongest elements were their massively reinforced cores and the sheer faces of the buildings themselves with the weight of the floors distributed evenly between them. The holes the planes made in those exteriors were insignificant to say the very least."

Not sure if this is ever mentioned as I've not seen it discussed on any CT blogs (or elsewhere, actually).

During a recent interview with Mike Hagan on his radio show,

Paul Laffoley had a moment during this massive brain-dump on art, imagination, creativity, time-travel, multi-dimensional klein bottles, living houses, architecture, painting, diagrams, etc. to drop these nuggets from when he (briefly) was involved with the WTC design/construction.

He starts talking about the trade centers around the 36th minute.

[Paul is describing how the project was behind, and how the engineering contractors started cutting certain corners...]

Paul: " they started doing things like, instead of welding steel together, they _bolted_ it..."

Mike: "What did you think of that when that happened?"

Paul: "Well, I knew exactly why [the trade towers came down]... people talked about Building 7 coming down at the same time, I knew why. Because, when I was there, there were these engineers from Saudi Arabia, actually part of the Bin Laden construction company, because [WTC architect Minoru] Yamasaki worked with them and built them up... and they started in Arabia and worked for Yamasaki, and was doing all kinds of things for them [there], airports, schools, doing very large projects... and he just brought them over. And I saw these guys... these swarthy looking guys wandering around, and some of them were asking me:

'where would you put demolition devices?'

[Paul replied then:] 'Well, I'm not really an engineer, but I'm curious to know [laughing] why, why would you put things in to demolish it, when it's not even built?' You know? It was so strange to me.

And he said, 'well, that's the way things are going now.'

So, in a certain sense, the reason they came down, the Bin Laden construction company knew exactly where all the, places were, that they put demolition devices, because New York in the 60s..."

Mike: "So you believe it was demolished, it was brought down?"

Paul: "Well, in the early 60s and 70s in New York, buildings were going up and down, like every six months. You go away, and come back and there's a new building."

Mike: "So they build them with charges built into them."

Paul: "Build it so, so it would come down. So those guys knew the whole story. And so it was very easy for them, to you know, do that. And uh, it actually came down from extreme capitalism. [laughs]"

Paul then talks about how he suggested building walkways between the buildings to help support the structure (since things were bolted).

Then he gets fired the next day for suggesting a ugly (yet structurally superior, given the weakened joints) change to Yamasaki's design "pure form".

I believe Paul's statement to be true (as I've heard him on a couple of times after 9/11 state this when speaking) and I certainly do not feel like he is consciously a disinfo agent. Guy has his own future agenda at work to be bothered with government agencies, me thinks. Anyone not familiar with Paul, certainly take the time to fully comprehend the scope of his artistic and creative vision: ( )

Just another angle I thought needed a bit more light.

And in any case, everyone should listed to the (long, but constantly mind-blowing) interview with Paul - oodles of great topics and next-level brain-food.


Fits interestingly with several other points:

20.Mar.2005 06:18
9.11 investigation

US DoD McNiven RICO SUIT! BUSH SENIOR, CIA head, & his 1976 state terror plan to hit WTCs!


Our own U.S. Army devised a plan commissioned by Congress to bring down the WTC...McNiven, who first went public in an affidavit included in a 9/11-related federal conspiracy (RICO) lawsuit filed against Bush and others in 2004, claims his unit was ordered to create the "perfect terrorist plan" [in 1976] using commercial airliners as weapons and the Twin Towers as their target.....publicized version of the study, commissioned by Congress, was to identify security lapses and submit corrective measures to lawmakers. However, McNiven claims the real purpose of the study was to brainstorm how to pull off the perfect terrorist attack using the exact same 9/11 scenario. [And then utilize them as the mechanism for killing thousands of Americans by detonating the towers after their U.S. Army planned planes crashed into them.]

The study [of 1976], commissioned to C-Battery 2/81st Field Artillery, U.S. Army, stationed in Strassburg, Germany in 1976, specifically devised the scenario of the Twin Towers being leveled by Middle Eastern terrorists using commercial airliners and even plastic box cutters to bypass security. To silence critics, McNiven has successfully passed a credible lie detector test regarding his participation in the study as well as other specific orders given to him by his superiors in case of a real attack on the Twin Towers. The head of the 1976 mock terrorist plan was Lt. Michael Teague of Long Island, who McNiven says was given specific orders by higher-ups in the military to use the Twin Towers as the terrorist target.

McNiven said he has been unable to contact Lt. Teague, but was interested in his opinion now that "the 9/11 attacks happened the way we planned them in 1976."


updated comments:

this explains several other things:

preparatory to construction and in the first few years after construction:

1. Rockefellers there: The World Trade Center in New York City (sometimes informally referred to as the WTC or the Twin Towers) was a complex of seven buildings, mostly designed by American architect Minoru Yamasaki and developed by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. It was initiated in 1960 by a Lower Manhattan Association created and chaired by David Rockefeller, who had the original idea of building the Center, with strong backing from the then New York governor, his brother, Nelson Rockefeller. Groundbreaking for the construction of the World Trade Center was on August 5, 1966.[11] The construction was under the auspices of the semi-autonomous Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. In 1970, construction was completed on One World Trade Center, with its first tenants moving into the building in December, 1970. Tenants first moved into Two World Trade Center in January 1972.[12] When the World Trade Center twin towers were completed, the total costs to the Port Authority had reached $900 million.[13] The ribbon-cutting ceremony was on April 4, 1973.[14]

2. Bin Laden Construction Company working with Minoru Yamasaki, the WTC main architect, according to Paul Laffoley. The group hired and walking around were openly walking around attempting to figure out "where would you put the demolition devices?" Note: Al-Queda, the CIA creation, didn't exist at the time.

3. Bin Laden's and Bushes are close friends particularly from the CIA funded invasion of Afghanistan from 1979, and the Bushes and the bin Ladens share(d) investment proxies like James Bath; both Bushes and bin Ladens were investors in the Bush crony corporation the Carlyle Corporation, which made incredible war profiteering wealth for itself and its investors after 9-11. Bin Ladens had been a rich Saudi family helping out the British Empire, long before the American empire, by the way.

4. David Rockefeller provides funding for WTCs. His brother, Nelson when Governor of New York, organized the rewriting of New York real estate and building codes. WTCs constructed basically as what was illegal before because of dangerous heights. [cite: Divided We Stand]

5. Makes little sense since, New York City was already with an abundance of unused real estate, which WTCs only compounded and remained mostly empty for the first few years. [cite: Divided We Stand]

6. Worried that their planned terror strike would not kill anyone, Nelson authorizes moving many state workers into the WTCs to help fill them up. WTCs remain an economic failure however. [cite: Divided We Stand]

7. note: The ribbon-cutting ceremony was on April 4, 1973.[14]

8. note: The Trilateral Commission is a private organization, founded in July 1973, at the initiative of David Rockefeller, WTC organizer, who pushed the idea of including Japan at the Bilderberg meetings but was rebuffed.


So David Rockefeller "builds his own Bilderberg", called the Trilaterals:

This explains several things, like Trilateral/Rockefeller personnel of Americans involved in 9-11 state terror are majoritatively Trilaterals:

1. Trilateral Organization founded soon after WTCs completed in 1973. "The Trilateral Commission is a private organization, founded in July 1973, at the initiative of David Rockefeller, who pushed the idea of including Japan at the Bilderberg meetings he was attending but was rebuffed. Along with Zbigniew Brzezinski and a few others, including from the Brookings Institution, Council on Foreign Relations and the Ford Foundation, he convened initial meetings out of which grew the Trilateral organization."

The three current chairmen are:

* Tom Foley: North America (Democratic Congressman, former speaker of the [pedophile wing of the] U.S. House of Representatives and ambassador to Japan);
* Peter Sutherland: Europe (Irish businessman and former politician associated with the Fine Gael party; former Attorney General of Ireland and European Commissioner in the first Delors Commission; former director general of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, the precursor to the World Trade Organization; Chairman of BP and Goldman Sachs International);
* Yotaro Kobayashi: Pacific Asia (chairman of the Fuji Xerox company).

Others who are or have been members, and who have interesting 9-11 links are:

* George H.W. Bush: Former President of the U.S.; CIA Director [9-11 perp linked]
* Jimmy Carter: Former President of the U.S.
* Dick Cheney: Current vice-president of the U.S. [9-11 perp linked]
* Bill Clinton: Former President of the U.S. [9-11 perp linked, or pre 1993 attempt at it, linked: 1993 WTC attack happened one month into Bush's sponsored Clinton Presidency; people on Bush's campaign then went to work for Clinton even. Bush and Clinton's campaign managers after 1992 campaign against each other...really got married.]
* Hank Greenberg: Former chairman and CEO of American International Group (AIG), the world's largest insurance and financial services corporation. [9-11 perp linked IN MANY WAYS; goes right into Abramoff as well as the money laundering on Florida SunCruz Lines that links right into 9-11 and false flagger Mohammad Atta who loved to visit SunCruz Lines owned by Abramoff, a partner in the Greenberg Traurig lawfirm of which Hang Greenberg is a part of as well]
* Lee Raymond: Former CEO and Chairman, ExxonMobil, vice chairman of the Board of Trustees of the American Enterprise Institute, [9-11 perp linked] director of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., [9-11 perp linked] director and member of the Executive Committee and Policy Committee of the American Petroleum Institute.
* David Rockefeller: Founder of the Commission [and selects all members privately to suit him since he invented the organization]; Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank board from 1969 to 1981; Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations from 1970 to 1985, [9-11 perp linked] now honorary Chairman; a life member of the Bilderberg Group. [9-11 perp linked]
* Henry Kissinger: U.S. diplomat, National Security Advisor and Secretary of State in the Nixon and Ford administrations; former Chairman of the International Advisory Committee of JP Morgan Chase. [9-11 perp linked]
* Zbigniew Brzezinski: U.S. National Security Advisor to U.S. President Jimmy Carter from 1977 to 1981. [possibly 9-11 perp linked]
* Paul Volcker: Chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve [9-11 perp linked, actually his later position holder, Peter Peterson] from 1979 to 1987, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Group of Thirty.
* Paul Wolfowitz: President of the World Bank, former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense and a prominent member of the neo-conservatives in Washington. [9-11 perp linked]
* Gerald M. Levin: Former CEO of Time Warner, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. [possibly 9-11 perp linked]
* Robert Zoellick: Deputy Secretary of State, formerly the U.S. Trade Representative. [9-11 perp linked]
* Frank Carlucci: President of Carlyle Group, U.S. Secretary of Defense from 1987 to 1989. [9-11 perp linked]
* William Cohen: Republican Congressman and Senator, U.S. secretary of Defense under President Clinton.
* Mary Robinson: President of Ireland from 1990 to 1997 as a candidate for the Labour Party; United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights from 1997 to 2002.
* Sergei Karaganov: Presidential Advisor to Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin; member of the International Advisory Board of the Council on Foreign Relations from 1995 to 2005.
* Jim Balsillie: Chairman and Co-CEO of Research In Motion.
* Georges Berthoin: International Chairman of the European Movement from 1978-1981.
* Ritt Bjerregaard: Danish Social Democrat MP, member of various cabinets; European Commissioner for Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection in the Santer Commission from 1995 to 1999.
* John H. Bryan: former CEO of Sara Lee bakeries, affiliated with the World Economic Forum and a director on the Boards of Sara Lee, Goldman Sachs [9-11 perp linked], General Motors, British Petroleum and Bank One.
* James E. Burke: CEO of Johnson & Johnson from 1976 to 1989.
* Catherine Ann Bertini: Former United Nations Under Secretary General in Management, former Director of World Food Program. [9-11 perp linked, that food program and its personnel has figured interestingly in some 9-11 money laundering studies]
* Gerhard Casper: Constitutional scholar, faculty member at Stanford University; successor trustee of Yale University and part of the Board of Trustees of the Central European University in Hungary.
* Tim Collins: CEO of Ripplewood Holdings LLC investment company; also part of the Yale Divinity School and Yale School of Management board of advisors and U.S.-Japan non-profit organizations.
* Bill Emmott: Former editor of The Economist magazine.
* Dianne Feinstein: Democratic U.S. Senator, former mayor of San Francisco, member of the Council on Foreign Relations; ranking member of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security. [oragnization is 9-11 perp linked]
* Martin Feldstein: Professor of economics at Harvard University; president and CEO of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER); chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers from 1982 to 1984; former director of the Council on Foreign Relations; member of the Bilderberg Group and of the World Economic Forum.
* Hugh Fletcher: Chancellor of Auckland University and CEO of Fletcher Challenge.
* David Gergen: [Bohemian Grover] Political consultant and presidential advisor during the Republican administrations of Nixon, Ford and Reagan; also served as advisor to Bill Clinton.
* Allan Gotlieb: Canadian ambassador to Washington from 1981 to 1989, chairman of the Canada Council from 1989 to 1994.
* Bill Graham: former Canadian Minister of National Defence and Minister of Foreign Affairs under Paul Martin; since 2006, interim parliamentary leader of the Liberal Party.
* Mugur Isarescu: Governor of the National Bank of Romania since 1990 and prime minister from December 1999 to November 2000; he worked for the Minister of Foreign Affairs then for the Romanian Embassy in the U.S. after the 1989 Romanian revolution.
* Otto Graf Lambsdorff: Chairman of the German Free Democratic Party from 1993 to 1998; Economic Minister for West Germany from 1977 to 1984.
* Liam Lawlor: Irish politician who resigned from the Fianna Fáil party; died in a car-crash in Moscow in 2005.
* Pierre Lellouche: French MP of the conservative Union for a Popular Movement party led by [neofascist] Nicolas Sarkozy.
* Jorge Braga de Macedo
* Kiichi Miyazawa: Japanese Prime minister in 1991-1993; Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1974 to 1976, Chief Cabinet Secretary from 1984 to 1986, Minister of Finance in 1987 and again from 1999 to 2002.
* Akio Morita: Co-founder of Sony Corporation; vice-chairman of the Keindanren (Japan Federation of Economic Organizations) and member of the Japan-U.S. Economic Relations Group.
* Andrzej Olechowski: Polish director of Euronet, USA; on the supervisory boards of Citibank Handlowy and Europejski Fundusz Hipoteczny; president of the Central European Forum; deputy governor of the National Bank of Poland from 1989 to 1991; minister of Foreign Economic Relations from 1991 to 1992; minister of Finance in 1992 and of Foreign Affairs from 1993 to 1995; economic advisor to president Lech Wałęsa from 1992 to 1993 and in 1995, etc.)
* Carl Palme
* Lucas Papademos: European Central Bank Vice-president.
* Gerard C. Smith: First U.S. Chairman of the Commission; chief U.S. delegate to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks of 1969.
* Jessica Stern: Former NSC staff member, author, and lecturer at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.
* George Vasiliou: President of the Republic of Cyprus from 1988 to 1993, founder and leader of the Cypriot United Democrats party.
* Francisco Pinto Balsemão
* Maldonado Gonelha
* Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa: Leader of the Social Democratic Party (Portugal) from 1996 to 1999.
* Miguel Sousa Soares: Management Consultant, EMPORDEF, MDN (Portugal) from 2005.
* Isamu Yamashita
* Lorenzo Zambrano: Mexican chairman and CEO of CEMEX since 1985, the third largest cement company of the world; member of the board of IBM and Citigroup.

Many of Americans Trilaterals are additionally in the PNAC group, the Project for a New American Century, which officially publicly and documentedly signed off on wishing for a "new Pearl Harbor terrorism event" that would let them seize control.


post construction: organizing the plan and personnel for state terror:

1. choosing to bolt instead of weld WTCs together--and moreover people walking around asking "where would we put the demolition charges?" back during construction--was easer for their state terror operation later.

2. According to the RICO suit against Bush and others, "later" only meant from around 1976 or so. The U.S. Army was the one terror drilling to perpetrate the act back from 1976, making the "drill go live" like so many other "drills gone live" connected to the Bushes (Bush Senior was in charge of a "Presidential Assassination Drill on Reagan". Just the next day after the drill, the Reagan Assassination in 1980 happened just a two months into Reagan's first term, though Reagan didn't die and Bush Senior didn't get to be direct President. With ex-CIA head Bush Senior as the President from 1981 it was hoped by them, they would have the formal institutional capacity to cover up their crimes. They were less sure of Reagan, and Reagan was obviously not in on the state terror operation, even though he was in on everything else particularly the CIA-Contra-Bush Senior drug running.

3. In other words, no one expected state terror strikes to be postponed for 25 years or more. During this time galvanic corrosion of the WTC sets in.

4. Strange "strike of newspapers" in NYC....happens exactly during a hurried 'fix up WTC' welding done, with massive sparks all up and down the face of the buildings. After the patch up (or perhaps further ease of destabalization?) is done, the newspapers are back on line, though they fail to mention the background to what just occurred conveniently during the strike. [cite: Divided We Stand]

5. secret studies in the 1980s on 'how much longer do these intentional lemons have' to last before the galvanic corrosion between the different metals of the bolts and the steel (with sea humid air/water between) make the structure unstable? Studies additionally ask "how much would it simply cost to take them down legally?" That is key: they would hardly be conducting studies on how to disassemble them piece by piece in the late 1980s...if demolition on the construction site itself (talked above in the Hogan program) was meant to be a LEGAL demolition. WTCs were additionally well beyond 'spec' and code with asbestos and would cost billions there as well. So the 'demolition from the start' mentioned in the interview was the illegal demolition they were talking even as they were bolting the huge erector set of the WTCs together.

more after construction issues/personnel for the state terror operation:

6. explains how the whole 1976 staffing was put back in place (Rumsfeld, Secretary of State in 1976; Bush Senior, CIA Director in 1976, Nelson Rockefeller as Vice President and almost President after three failed assassination attempts on appointed Ford; Cheney was chief of staff for President Ford in 1976. These three came back together under the son of Bush Senior when George W. Bush was installed by the Supreme Court in 2000. Then Bush Senior really back in control once Bush Senior's right hand man, Meuller, was placed as head of the FBI weeks before the 9-11 self hit.

7. explains why postponed: Bush removed from CIA position by Carter, plan postponed. Regroup....

8. explains 'delay' when Nelson Rockfeller both fails to become president like he wanted in 1976. Then he dies in 1979.


1. explains how they thought they could seriously rewrite the U.S. Constitution in 1976, to set up totally appointed frameworks of the legislature. Kid you not. This was connected to Rockfellers as well. [cite: Trilaterals over America, by Antony Sutton]

After the state terror of 1976, here's what they thought they could do: turn the U.S. into a police state and revoke the Bill of Rights. This was all planned out in advance, similar to how the "Patriot Act" was written up in advance and delivered with a whiff of treasonous U.S. governmental perpetrated anthrax (from Ft. Detrick, Maryland--and under a top secret 'anthrax weaponization' patent issued ONLY to the CIA) on the Congress.

not from that book though another QUOTE:

Study Offers New U.S. Constitution [to be introduced after 1976 state terror, already written up]
By Fred P. Graham
New York Times - Sept. 8, 1970, front page

In Santa Barbara, California, the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions [that's a laugh of a name] has drafted a better U.S. Constitution. The current one is outdated.

*Rex Tugwell, former member of Roosevelt's "brain trust."

*Robert M. Hutchins, chairman.

*Harry S. Ashmore, senior Fellow of the center.

*Warren Burger (opposed to trial by jury).

This new version:

*20 or less "republics" instead of 50 states.

*a stronger Presidency & federal powers, instead of individual sovereign states.

*6 branches instead of 3.

- the regulatory branch would share its authority with private industry, could join multi-company groups to set standards.

*No more Supreme Court, weaker judicial powers.

*President serves 1 nine year term only.


- not elected but chosen by other branches of government. They would consist of former Presidents & other former high officials.

*2 Vice Presidents instead of 1.

- 1 for general affairs. [This was the plan back in the 1930s for the fascist coup to have a Secretary for General Affairs as the 'dictator' who could be appointed by powers behind the scenes instead of be forced to go through elections to get executive power, cite: The Plot to Seize the White House, by Jules Archer. These were the fascists in the 1930s banking corporate elite of the USA then working on that.]

- 1 for internal affairs.

*No more Bill of Rights, but many of the same fundamental safeguards. [sure...]

- no right to a trial by jury. [Which is what neofascist Bush is doing]

- no right to bear arms. [which is what neofascist Bush is doing]

*Instead of 2/3 vote of Congress to amend the Constitution, amendments would be proposed by a council of judges approved by the President & Senate, and ratified by a majority in a [vote frauded] national election.

*After 5 presidential terms, the entire Constitution may be rewritten and submitted & ratified by a majority in a national election.


Perhaps the terror hit that was planned was to be done in a few years to introduce this neofascist constitution, mentioned by the New York Times back in 1970. Same plan exactly as the U.S. Patriot Act nonsense that should be repealed in its ENTIRETY since it is criminal to and contradictory to the Bill of Rights' Constitutionally secured liberty protections.

2. explains the Trilateral/Rockefeller pressures around introducing the neofascist constitution back in the 1970s, as well as these Trilaterals issues: Nelson got half his wish by basically dominating all appointments of the Carter Administration with Trilaterals, a clique of banker/internationalists (which included George Bush by the way) all hand picked by his brother David Rockefeller. Trilaterals were started up by David Rockefeller. Mr. Grand Chessboard himself, Zbigniew Brezesinki, was a Trilateral, who in late 1990s wrote of "requirements" for a "new pearl harbor" because U.S. democracy 'lacks the will to be an empire without such events, history has shown'. Carter one of the first Trilaterals as well. Bush Senior was a Trilateral.

3. explains why the WTCs were chosen to even be constucted in the first place when economics or requirements of real estate were not even an issue in New York City then: they were designed to be illegally demolished during the U.S. Army created 1976 terror events which would serve as an alibi to their destruction, as described by McNiven. The WTCs were created simply for the Rockefeller desire of destroying them.

7. After all, the WTCs were constructed under Nelson Rockefeller himself (as Governor of New York), with help from his brother on financing, David Rockefeller (founder of the Trilaterals). These would be the very people who thought they would be in charge directly after Ford Assassination attempts. However, all these failed.


1. Increasingly found to be unstable, though without the personnel in place to conduct the state terrorism cover up, other 'smaller state terrorisms' are invented:

2. explains surrogate hit on Three Mile Island to "jump start" FEMA as a back up plan, in 1979. FEMA is actually 'activated' three days early, before it is even authorized, to be in place for the fake hit on Three Mile Island. FEMA allows total media seal off and vetting of all events through the federal government. The state terror test successful.

3. explains why Bush Senior so anxious to get into the Presidency in 1980.

4. explains why he is willing to murder Reagan to do it, when his Vice President, in 1981, mere months into Reagan's first term. THE ATTEMPTED COUP D'ETAT OF MARCH 30, 1981 (87,300 bytes)

5. explains the later 1993 FBI sponsored attempts, months into Bush proxy William Jefferson Clinton (drug dealing connections) to destory the Towers thorugh surrogate terrorists they actually told what to hit and how to hit it. However, the Towers failed to fall down.


1. explains how directly after this failed attempt to take down the towers, the Bush family buys up the WTC security contracts. Soon, Marvin Bush head of Security (Securatec) for the WTC. (The reality is a bit more complicated, though shows Bush company (Kuwaiti-American) in charge of security at the WTC's after a failed attempt.


1. explains how in early 2001, the whole 1976 team were put into power once more through Bush family appointments: Baby Bush appoints his father's 1976 friends to power once more: Cheney (Bush Senior's Secretary of State for the Gulf War I, Halluburton connections, and Cheney was Ford's 1976 Chief of Staff), Rumsfeld (appointed Secretary of State in 2001, was appointed Secretary of State in 1976 for appointed Ford as well...), and appointing George W. Bush (a proxy for his father coming back into power from his "interrupted" 1976 CIA Directorship), and the appointing of another GHW Bush right hand man, Meuller, as FBI director. Then they were set to unleash their hit on the United States. Which they did. Which they still are.


2006.11.04 12:14
9-11 Insider Nicholas Rockefeller's Proprietary Cashless Society Technology and Databases

Description: The Very Visible Nicholas Rockefeller's Invisible Panopticon: His United Nations Aired Ideas for a Private Proprietary Database and Technology for a Global Wireless Cashless Consumer Panopticon, all under Nicholas Rockefeller, a 9-11 Insider. 9-11 "security" issues only set up wider "state driven appeal" for the his proprietary technology platform for a cashless society. 9-11 Insider Nicholas Rockefeller, predicts 9-11 justified Middle East invasions a year in advance--and only months before 9-11 sees fit as well to start up a pilot project for a cashless society. He has additionally been involved in THREE separate global people monitoring database corporations detailed below. "The cashless society will be controlled by the Rockefellers, and it will be microwave based, wireless, and controlled off the phone tower network"--if he has his way. China is his model. See what he is doing in China below, and see how there is huge synergy between his fingers and his minions' fingers in the corporations US Search, Zebasearch, and GlobalAgora--all linked to him.


Nicholas Rockefeller predicted in early 2000 to a friend he found "un-recruitable to the CFR", Aaron Russo (which probably led in the past several years for Russo to rush through making America: Freedom to Fascism), that an event would soon happen to allow for a Caspian pipeline, an Afghanistan invasion, and an Iraq invasion.

Eleven months later, Russo said, Nicholas Rockefeller got his wish: the 9-11 events happened and sure enough, soon there was a Caspian pipeline, an Afghanistan invasion, and an Iraq invasion.

Nicholas Rockefeller Predicted "Event" To Trigger War Eleven Months Before 9/11
Hollywood director Russo recalls remarkable "forecast" of coming attack

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | October 28 2006

Hollywood director and documentary film maker Aaron Russo, currently receiving a wave of plaudits for his latest release, America: From Freedom to Fascism told The Alex Jones Show that Nicholas Rockefeller had personally assured him there was going to be an "event" that would trigger the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq eleven months before 9/11 took place.

Saying he had been approached many times by the Rockefellers and other members of the CFR elite in an attempt to recruit him, Russo recalled a conversation that would come home to roost on September 11, 2001.

"Here's what I do know first hand - I know that about eleven months to a year before 9/11 ever happened I was talking to my Rockefeller friend (Nicholas Rockefeller) and he said to me 'Aaron there's gonna be an event' and he never told me what the event was going to be - I'm not sure he knew what the event was going to be I don't know that he knew that," said Russo.

Russo related how Rockefeller knew precisely what the event would lead to and which countries would be militarily targeted by the elite.

"He just said there's gonna be an event and out of that event we're gonna invade Afghanistan so we can run pipelines through the Caspian sea, we can go into Iraq to take the oil and establish bases in the middle east and to make the middle east part of the new world order and we're going to go after Venezuela - that's what's going to come out of this event."

"Eleven months to a year later that's what happened....he certainly knew that something was going to happen."

"In my relationships with some of these people I can tell you that it's as evil as it really gets - this is it - this is the game," stated Russo - also relating how members of the elite were routinely obsessed by creating a world identification society where people had to carry ID cards and prove who they were at all times.

link to

watch America: From Freedom to Fascism for free. This film Russo rushed through production likely right after he realized his close "Rockefeller friend" was a clear accessory to mass murder in the 9-11 events, as fascist plots were being hatched from the U.S. military and the Bush/Cheney clique around 9-11. However, Russo's film starts this slow fascist coup back in 1913, toward how the Federal Reserve began to create the perfect totalitarian monitored society--of which Nicholas Rockefeller's additions to this totalitarian society are detailed and coming out into the open only from Summer 2001 to the present (in the article below).

Google once censored Russo's film and deleted it--until Aaron Russo himself authorized its uploading for people to watch for free. Google hacks remain silent--for now. The film has moved steadily up after Google stopped censoring it:

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Aaron Russo's _America Freedom to Fascism_ Authorized version